Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Dragged in kicking and screaming

Are entrepreneurs born or made?
A bit like contemplating the nature or nurture argument.

Successful entrepreneurs need to be inventive, be prepared to take risks and to be ready to fail (many times)
I am the antithesis to everything in that statement.
Cautious by nature, I take the safe path, enjoy predictable planned pathways and outcomes.

So, how did I end up in this stormy, crazy entrepreneurial world?
Dragged in kicking and screaming! And the crazy thing is that the dragging (and kicking and screaming) was done by me!

This blog is the story of my journey. There are so many of us in the same boat. We are fueled by a passion that we can't control. All of us that keep going with the age old mantra 'never give up'.

Hope you enjoy the ride.

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