Thursday, October 2, 2014

Women in business - no emotions please!

I believe and actively support equality for men and women in the workplace. However I do think that we are disadvantaged by many of the qualities that we inherently possess as women.

Being a woman, I am designed to bear children, to be caring, nurturing and, unfortunately, extremely emotional. Hormones wreck havoc for us each month from puberty to menopause and beyond.

These qualities often work in our favor, but when emotions enter the workplace and impact our business interactions and decisions, we have problems. 

Girlfriends talk non-stop - we can spend hours together and we talk about families, friends, pets, work, the environment and we know each other inside out. The boys go out and solve problems by having a beer, watching a game or playing a sport. This is a huge generalisation and there are exceptions on both sides - these are just my observations and thoughts.

At work, we need to be unemotional, objective, business-like and to build fair work relationships. Our employees and colleagues have mothers and friends - we don't need to play that role with them. 
I think this would help us to work better, more efficiently and to come home less emotionally drained.

Starting today - I'm going to leave my emotions at home where they belong...

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