Saturday, October 4, 2014

Would you work with your partner?

Ask anyone; 'Would you work with your partner? The answer is almost always 'no'.

Well, I do and have done for many years.

Sure, it is challenging. It's virtually impossible to keep work from encroaching on your private life.
It's equally hard to keep conversations at work impersonal and detached from domestic issues.
Financially, all your eggs are in one basket. Most entrepreneurs live on the edge and if there is a blip in the business, there is no second income stream to keep the engine running.
And then there's always the question; Who is the captain and who is the running mate?

That begs the question; Why do I work with my partner?
There is no other person I could trust as implicitly.
Our paths are different but our destination is the same 
We complement each other - yin and yang.
We feel the pain of failure and share the elation of success together.

It's hard work but it's worth it.

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